Page Contents

Village Design Statement

Conservation Area

Related Sites

Sir John Moore Foundation

The Moat House

Conserving Appleby

Village Design Statement

Link to the Village Design Statement document on District Council web site (8Mb pdf)

VDSIn 2000 the village published a Village Design Statement, a document put together by a team of people working with the Parish Council and involving over 50 residents who commented and assisted with its production. The document details what is special about Appleby, and what people value about it as a place to live. It contains a number of guidelines aimed at retaining the character of the village. This document was then adopted by North West District Council as Supplementary Planning Guidance, which means it is taken into account in planning decisions concerning the village. Over the years this has proved a valuable document in allowing the views of people to be heard.

Conservation Area and Historic Buildings

The Moat HouseThe most famous building in Appleby is, of course, the Sir John Moore Foundation building, which has its own web site (see side panel). But there are many other lovely, historic buildings in the village. The centre of Appleby is a conservation area, and in the very heart is the Moat House (pictured above, photo by Jon Dunkelman) and the land around it, a Scheduled Ancient Monument (see side panel for a link to the Moat House web site).

The District Council are responsible for monitoring the Conservation Area, and on their web site they host a map, a schedule of the listed buildings in the village, and plenty of information on the planning requirements for properties within the protected area. Here are the links to the North West Leicestershire District Council's web site:

Conservation Areas main page

Map of Appleby's Conservation Area (pdf)

In 2001 the Council undertook an appraisal of the area. Their documents are in pdf form, but for reasons of file size, the text and the images have been separated (which was important in 2001 when broadband connections were much less common!). The council kindly gave their consent at the time for publication of these documents on the Appleby web site. The first three are pdf files so Acrobat reader is required:

Conservation Area Review 2001: Contents (pdf)

Conservation Area Review 2001: Text (pdf, includes a schedule of listed buildings in the village)

Conservation Area Review 2001: Images (pdf)

Conservation Area Review 2001: Map of Buildings (jpg)